- Industry Awareness Programmes/Workshop: MSMEs will be made aware of the MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification through nation-wide awareness programmes (online and/or face-to-face, as appropriate) with the assistance of stakeholders like Industry Associations, Implementing Agencies, MSME-DIs, District Industries Centres (DICs), Large Enterprises/OEMs, BEE.
- Training Programmes: Stakeholders like the MSME Officers, Assessors and Consultants will be trained on the MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification to enable an effective implementation by partners like QCI, BIS, NPC.
- Assessment & Certification: MSMEs will be assessed (desktop verification, remote assessment, onsite assessment; as applicable) and awarded relevant Certification Level for which they have applied for after fulfilling the requirements of that Level.
- Handholding: MSMEs will be provided handholding to help them achieve higher ZED Certification levels and also towards technology upgradation for moving towards zero effect solutions/pollution control measures/cleaner technology.
- Benefits/Incentives: Graded incentives will be announced by the Ministry of MSME for MSMEs so as to motivate them to achieve higher ZED Certification levels. These incentives will also include assistance to MSMEs in their preparedness & response to COVID-19 pandemic, called MSME KAWACH (Knowledge Acquisition through WASH for an Accelerated COVID-19 Handling)which is based on the WASH (Workplace Assessment for Safety & Hygiene) Standard.
- PR campaign, Advertising & Brand Promotion: For popularizing the MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification and brand promotion of ZED, a nation-wide publicity will be done.
- Digital Platform: MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification process will be e-enabled through a single window digital platform and minimum use of paper.